OTTAWA, Ontario — (CANADIAN CHRISTIAN NEWS SERVICE) — Canadian pastors work very hard in often challenging circumstances. They may not always take the time they need to rest and replenish.
Faith Today, Canada’s Christian magazine published by The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, is partnering with Christian retreat centres across the country to change that for pastors from coast to coast.
Faith Today invites Canadian congregations to email the name of their hardworking pastor – along with 75 words about why they deserve a break and what a great job they do – to
The contest closes on February 29.
Yukon / NWT / Nunavut: To be determined.
The fine print: Retreat times to be arranged between the guest and the retreat centre. If desired, the pastor may bring a spouse, child or friend to share the experience. Travel costs to be covered by the pastor, or better yet, their church. Some retreat centres provide meals, others do not. Churches may wish to send their pastor with a meal stipend to really make things nice. If pastors prefer, they may choose a $100 gift card instead of the retreat prize. Maybe a nice dinner out?
For more information:
The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
905-479-5885 x241