
GFA World

Prayer Transforms  Widow from Invalid to Hostess 

Nala lay helpless in bed. The pain in her spine stubbornly refused to relent, and the widow didn’t have the energy to fight it anymore. For a long time, Nala’s son, Abebe, dutifully escorted her to see various doctors and local religious leaders, looking for a way to relieve her back pain. But the proposed remedies failed to improve Nala’s condition. Nala grew weaker and her family grew poorer as her condition and the expense of seeking a cure took their toll.

As Nala lay wondering if there was anywhere left to turn for help, she received a visit from GFA pastor Chinua.

Family in article



How "Doubting Thomas" Became My Missionary Hero

July 3 is St. Thomas’s Day, commemorating Thomas the Apostle, the disciple who famously doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead. For centuries, he’s been known as “Doubting Thomas.” But Thomas was actually the first disciple to declare to the risen Christ: “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28, NIV). Here’s where the story of St. Thomas gives me goosebumps.

What Is ‘The One Thing’ God Wants From You?

In 1971, I was invited to spend one month in Singapore at a new institute that had been started by John Haggai. It was still in the formative stages then—a place where Asian church leaders would be trained and challenged to witness for Christ. Today, more than 40 years later, the Haggai Institute leadership training program is world-renowned, and Dr. Haggai is still at the helm.

KP Yohannan: Miracles DO Happen!

Church growth depends on consistency, courage, and faithfulness. When God’s people persevere, miracles follow. As I studied the Gospels, it became clear to me that Jesus understood well the principle of reaching the poor. He avoided the major cities, the rich, the famous, and the powerful, concentrating His ministry on the poor labouring class. If we reach the poor, we have touched the masses.

 About GFA World

Since 1979, we have been committed to serving the “least of these” in Asia and Africa, often in places where no one else is serving, so they can experience the love of God for the first time. GFA World (Formerly: Gospel for Asia) supports national workers serving as the hands and feet of Christ in four main ways. Sponsoring national missionaries to minister to people’s needs, sponsoring children, investing in community development and helping families in need of care or during disasters.

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Shannon Mischuk

Canadian Christian News Service

Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 


519-342-3703 x 107

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