
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Holocaust Remembrance Day - it’s not enough to remember

Every day an estimated 40 Holocaust survivors die in Israel.

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is taking this upcoming Holocaust Remembrance Day not just as a day of remembrance but a day of action.

“It is not enough to remember what happened in the Holocaust, we need to act to make sure that those who survived are living with dignity,” IFCJ global vice president Yael Eckstein told The Jerusalem Post.



Helping Ukraine’s Jews Survive a Freezing Winter

As Russian attacks continue to harm Ukraine’s infrastructure and cause major power and water outages across the country, we are on the ground helping protect the most vulnerable this winter by providing generators, blankets, and Hanukkah menorahs, reports the Times of Israel

Yael Eckstein Interviewed on Breakfast Television

In the early morning of December 2nd, President of IFCJ Canada, Yael Eckstein joined Faiza Amin on Breakfast Television, alongside fellow panelist Michael Levitt, to discuss how to battle rising antisemitisim in Canada.

100 Ukrainian Jews Arrive in Israel

Some 100 Ukrainian Jews recently made aliyah to Israel, including the bed-ridden who have waited months for the chance to leave their war-torn country behind. Ella Smirnova, 76, said that she was forced to flee Odesa, the city she was born and grew up in. While preparing for Rosh Hashanah one year, she fell and broke her neck, leaving her completely paralyzed.

 About International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada

IFCJ Canada

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada is a leading Canadian religious charity building bridges between Christians and Jews, blessing Israel and the Jewish people around the world with humanitarian care and life-saving aid.

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Shannon Mischuk

Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 


519-342-3703 x 107

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