
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Gifts of Peace – Hanukkah and Christmas Catalogue

In Israel, 1 in 3 children live below the poverty line, and their needs are largely left unmet by the government. More than 20% of Israelis live below the poverty line in the country. And more than 91% of elderly individuals in Israel said their pensions were not enough to buy the basic necessities.   

IFCJ’s programs help ease the suffering of impoverished individuals, including children and the elderly, from all faith backgrounds in Israel. How can you help? This Hanukkah and Christmas season, honour your loved ones with a gift that blesses Israel’s people in need. 


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Packing Food With Our Board Members

Recently, the Boards of Directors from The Fellowship and IFCJ Canada met in Israel for a session to discuss each country’s strategic plans and see some of The Fellowship’s programs first-hand. They visited with elderly supported through our lifesaving food programs, packed food boxes, and greeted new olim at Ben Gurion Airport.

IFCJ to Send $6.5 Million in Emergency Support to Ukraine’s Jews

The Fellowship has distributed $23 million dollars for emergency aid to Jewish communities in Ukraine since the start of the war and now we plan to support the Jewish community in Ukraine this winter to make sure no one is left freezing or in need, reports JNS:

Ukraine Left Without Power, Water

Since February, when Russia launched its ongoing war on the people of Ukraine, The Fellowship has been on the ground there, helping those who can evacuate, and providing lifesaving aid to those left behind. Now, theAssociated Press‘ John Leicester and Sam Mednick report on  the latest Russian attacks on Ukraine that have left the already hurting Ukrainian people without the most basic of necessities:

 About International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada

IFCJ Canada

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada is a leading Canadian religious charity building bridges between Christians and Jews, blessing Israel and the Jewish people around the world with humanitarian care and life-saving aid.

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Shannon Mischuk

Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 


519-342-3703 x 107

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