
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Investing in Israel's Children on International Day of Friendship


IFCJ Rabbie Eckstein Birthday

Celebrating Rabbi Eckstein

On Monday, what would have been his 71st birthday, we celebrate our beloved Founder and President, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, of blessed memory. 

Rabbi Eckstein ministered in so many ways – to so many people. One of the gifts he loved to share was music. Here, enjoy a performance from the Holy City of Jerusalem, as Rabbi Eckstein sings with Fellowship friend and renowned singer, Dudu Fisher.

Nearly half of Israeli parents need financial help for their families during the summer

A recent survey by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) found that, due to rising prices and the overall economic situation in Israel, 43% of Israeli parents will apply for financial assistance to cover expenses during the summer. The summer is a season when most respondents said their expenses are “higher” or “much higher” than the rest of the year.

Escape from Auschwitz

The year was 1940. The Nazis had already begun threatening Europe, and the rest of the continent prepared for the looming war. A young 18-year-old Polish man named Jerzy Bielecki decided he would join his nation’s army in the fight. Little did Jerzy know the extraordinary life that would unfold, leaving him as one of the few prisoners to escape Auschwitz, and one that would cement his place as a Hero of the Holocaust.

 About International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada

IFCJ Canada

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada is a leading Canadian religious charity building bridges between Christians and Jews, blessing Israel and the Jewish people around the world with humanitarian care and life-saving aid.

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Shannon Mischuk

Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 


519-342-3703 x 107

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