
Media Voice Generation Announces New Appointments

TORONTO, Ont. — (CANADIAN CHRISTIAN NEWS SERVICE) — The Board of Directors of Media Voice Generation see expanding opportunities to share the Christian perspective on news and events in Canada and the world and in so doing to point people to the reality of Christ and the joy of the Gospel. The board believes that these opportunities require an even more robust corporate structure where the talents and gifting of the founder, Lorna Dueck, and the talents and gifting’s of all members of the MVG team are maximized.

Therefore, after months of deliberation, and at the request of Lorna Dueck, the board has appointed Jeffrey L. Groenewald as President/CEO and Lorna Dueck as Executive Producer of Media Voice Generation.

This change will become effective April 20, 2015. Catch the conversation…

Please pray for Jeff and Lorna as they shift their responsibilities for the maximum communication of the message of Christ and the glory of God.

With joy,

Franklin Pyles,

Chairman of the Board




For more information or interviews:
Email: info@contextwithlornadueck.com
Phone: 416-599-9777
Web: www.contextwithlornadueck.com