GREATER TORONTO AREA, Ontario — (CANADIAN CHRISTIAN NEWS SERVICE) — According to the “World Evangelical Alliance,” over 100 million Christians in at least 60 countries are denied fundamental human rights solely because of their religious beliefs. The Voice of the Martyrs Canada is holding their annual Momentum conference to publicize the plight, tell the stories, share the prayer requests, and raise a voice for persecuted Christians around the world.
Momentum is being held at Clearview Christian Reformed Church, located at 2300 Sheridan Garden Drive in Oakville, Ontario. Doors open Saturday, November 19th, 2016 at 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more details or to register in advance:
Information is the key to positive change. Conference topics will discuss what is commonly taken for granted as basic rights: freedom to an education; the right to own property; the right of dignity and respect; the right to life, liberty and security of person; as well as the freedom of religion and the right to change one’s religion.
Currently the “Religious Liberty Commission of the WEA” is monitoring religious liberty concerns in approximately 100 nations where there is a growing anti-Christian sentiment. Corresponding persecution trends indicate the potential increase in religious liberty violations of Christians worldwide.
It is estimated that at least three-quarters of all worldwide religious liberty violations are perpetrated against Christians; and when it comes to martyrs killed for their faith, 90 percent of them are Christian. This makes the persecution of Christians the largest religious liberties violation in the world today, and the problem is growing.
Full-colour poster for the Momentum conference.
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