Introducing Christian Education Benefit Solutions
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Shannon Mischuk Email: Tel: 519-342-3703
WATERLOO – September 1, 2021 – Over 100 years ago, Christian Schools International (CSI) was formed by a community deeply committed to ensuring that Christian schools across North America had the support they needed to thrive. One of the key needs identified, which has been met through CSI, is excellent, competitive health benefits and pension plans, to help Christian schools acquire and retain world-class staff. Recognizing the unique needs of Canadian schools, and the opportunity to extend participation to more Canadian Christian education organizations across the country, as of September 1st, 2021, the Canadian school health and pension plans currently sponsored by CSI will now be served by the newly formed Canadian charity, Christian Education Benefit Solutions Society.
The Health and Pension Plan will continue to be served by a board of Trustees deeply invested in Christian education in Canada and an experienced, skilled specialist team that helps ensure the plans serve the unique needs of Christian education organizations with excellence. Leveraging decades of experience in and around Christian education, Christian Education Benefit Solutions provides an opportunity for organizations to not only serve their staff well but contribute to the health of the Christian education community across Canada.
118 schools and Christian education organizations from coast to coast currently participate in the plans curated and offered by Christian Education Benefit Solutions. Most of those organizations are independent not-for-profit or charitable organizations that would not have access to robust pension plans or health benefit plans for their staff, leaving them at a disadvantage for recruiting excellent staff and talented educators. Recognizing that there is strength in numbers, and the health and pension plans now opening up to any organization supporting Christian education in Canada, provides schools with even more stability and advantages in their benefits offerings.
“We are thrilled that this change allows us to welcome and serve even more organizations and participants,” says Ken Volkenant, Trustee. “Our team has worked diligently to make participation in our plans more accessible for schools and organizations and to remove barriers that have existed in the past. And, when participation grows, our Canadian Christian education organizations are strengthened, and that benefits all of us.”
School leaders are also enthusiastic about the fresh opportunity for Christian schools in Canada. Kevin Huinink, Executive Director of Cairn Christian School, Ontario shares, “our Canadian Christian educators are so committed to the well-being of their students, as whole people. I’m so grateful that we’re able to support our staff with excellence, freeing them up to do the job they’re so passionate about.”
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Christian Education Benefit Solutions
Christian Education Benefit Solutions provides health and pension products and services, designed specifically by and for the Canadian Christian education community. As a Christian community with decades of experience and a deep commitment to strengthening Christian education, we understand the unique challenges that Christian education institutions face as they meet the retirement and health care needs of their staff.