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Press Release: Castle Quay Books

From Castle Quay Books


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                           For more information:
Larry N Willard – publisher

Toronto/West Palm Beach (November, 2022)

Castle Quay Books announces

The New Orthodoxy: Canada’s Emerging “Civil Religion”

By Bruce J. Clemenger

There is a new sectarianism that threatens to marginalize the Christian faith in Canada!

In “The New Orthodoxy: Canada’s Emerging “Civil Religion” Bruce J. Clemenger examines the founding non-sectarian approach to Canadian statecraft that accommodated religious and cultural diversity.

The 1960’s promise of political liberalism embraced in Canada was to provide a philosophy of government that facilitates the individual’s vision and pursuit of the good life.

Decades later, the promotion of individual autonomy and fraternity by governments and the courts threatens to undermine the very freedom governments claim to promote and protect. Clemenger presents a biblically-based model of public and political engagement and a defence of religious freedom, especially the freedom to disagree, in an increasingly secularist state.

A MOST timely work!

About the Author
Bruce J. Clemenger, CEO and President of the EFC (2003-2023). Appointed as Senior Ambassador and President Emeritus (2023). As national watchman for over 30 years, Bruce has supervised over 60 court case interventions, 30 with the Supreme Court of Canada, appearing 20 times before Parliamentary committees and across the tenures of six Prime Ministers. As Statesman and scholar, Bruce is an award-winning columnist. He speaks on politics, religion, culture, and ethics.

What People Are Saying About This Book

“Have you wondered about the new sectarianism that threatens to marginalize the Christian faith? This book explains the emergence of this new orthodoxy. Bruce Clemenger challenges the arrival of a new politics that undermines Canada’s commitment to religious freedom. This is needed reading for any who hope to engage in the public good with religion in heart and hand.”
Lorna Dueck, CEO of The News Forum, former Context TV host

“Clemenger has long been a faithful and steady voice and mentor to pastors. Seeking to forge a thoughtfully constructive way through the sometimes turbulent, everchanging, and unpredictable waters of the Canadian political scene, many turn to Clemenger’s voice
of reason, wisdom, and unique perspective. This is a definite read for any who desire to understand the shift in the relationship between faith and politics in Canada.”
Garry James, Pastor

“Bruce J. Clemenger invites us into a full and careful examination of where Canadians have come from and the dramatic changes in our concepts of values, religious and constitutional freedoms, and the role of the state.”
John Reimer, Former Canadian Member of Parliament

“No government in history, whether absolutist, dictatorial, totalitarian or party political, has governed without a guiding philosophy, of whatever type, whether religious or secular. As Bruce J. Clemenger clearly demonstrates, secular philosophies function in the same way as traditional religions—a religion or creed in all but name. Bruce has bravely brought to the public gaze the hypocrisy of progressive Liberalism.”
John Langlois, Order of the British Empire, Advocate

The New Orthodoxy: Canada’s Emerging “Civil Religion”

is available at most bookstores and distributed through Parasource Marketing
Phone: 1-800-263-2664 custserv@parasource.com

or go to Castle Quay Books website, www.castlequaybooks.com

ISBN 978-1-988928-80-7 softcover
ISBN 978-1-988928-81-4 e-book

Price $18.95
136 pages
Soft cover, perfect bound, size 6″ x 9″

For more information on author interviews or book reviews, visit

For more information,
Larry N Willard – publisher
