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“Where do we come from?”—one of the most common questions people face, is answered with a wide range of philosophies and, generally, Darwin’s theory of evolution. Recent science is shattering this long-standing belief system, replacing it with a new one.

Reality Research & Development Inc. (RRD) has concluded, after three decades of research and input from 45 scholars, there’s now a solid solution to the great debate regarding how we are made: atomic biology, which is the science of studying the super-intelligent aspect of on-site cell-part construction decisions and choices, the precision physical works needed for the construction, operation, maintenance and repair of living cells and entities, using atoms from available sources.

“Don’t let the name scare you; the basics are simple enough for a fifth-grader to understand,” says Thomas W. Rogers, president of RRD and the new Atomic Biology Institute, as well as the co-author of the new book Darwin’s Replacement—Bringing the God of Our Nations Back to Our Students with a New Basic Science.

Darwin’s Replacement, co-written with Graham McLennan, president of the National Alliance of Christian Leaders, Australia, discusses the amazing and super-intelligent work performed in building us including our sensory organs for seeing, hearing, tasting, etc.; building over 2 million new red blood cells every second for each of us; building our food from atoms in the ‘dust’ and rain; then building our new cells from these same atoms.

“These are just a few examples of the enormous work and care provided to each of us by our Creator, every second of every day,” says Rogers, who has a background in engineering, research, construction and manufacturing and holds awards in chemistry, biology and physics.

The aim of the book is to see Darwinisms moved to the history department and students be allowed to follow the evidence where it leads. “There shouldn’t be a battle over this but there will be by those who don’t want knowledge of the Creator to be taught to our students, in spite of the fact that God is highly recognized by federal governments in national anthems, constitutions, declarations, pledges, war memorials, etc.,” says Rogers.

The science of atomic biology will lead to improvements in health, nutrition, medicine, agriculture, aquaculture, and other related health benefits. Replacing evolution as the taught cause of life will be resisted. However, where there is legislation requiring truth only to be taught, this will help to speed up the process.

Darwin’s Replacement—Bringing the God of Our Nations Back to Our Students with a New Basic Science is available from Kindle ($6.49 Cdn.) and Amazon.ca ($26.49 Cdn.) soft-cover.

ISBN 978-0-9940786-6-7 soft cover
E-book 978-0-9940786-5-0
304 pages, size 6” x 9”

Publisher: Lifetime Reference Guides Inc.
www.darwinsreplacement.com admin@darwinsreplacement.com

Thomas W. Rogers, President
Reality Research & Development Inc., and
The Atomic Biology Institute
Co-author and Speaker re: Darwin’s Replacement