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The subject of the final grand banquet that all believers in eternity will attend in heaven at the end of the age is seldom written about. But now there is a resource that covers the subject with great detail.

Castle Quay Books is pleased to announce the release of the winner of the 2017 Word Guild Best New Manuscript award on the subject of the great heavenly banquet by award-winning author Ronald Mahler entitled:

The Banquet: Exploring the Greatest Invitation Extended to Humanity

In the Parable of the Great Banquet (Luke 14) Jesus, as the Servant of God, taught that the blessings of His heavenly Kingdom are available to all who will accept Him by faith, and that God wills to extend mercy to all of which many will be those whom society has forgotten and discarded.

Jesus has promised a Great Banquet (Wedding Feast of the Lamb it is sometimes called) is due to commence in heaven at the end of human history. The table is being set and a feast like none other will soon begin. The RSVP list is growing even as more invitations are being sent out. Jesus will be there as supreme host—as will the patriarchs, prophets, apostles and all people of true faith. From the greatest and first to the very least and last in the Kingdom—the most infamous of saved sinners and the most insignificant of the saints will all be present. But why do some not get an invitation. Ron handles this subject very carefully.

This Marriage Feast of the Lamb is an event one simply cannot afford to miss; for to miss it will essentially amount to missing out on heaven itself-entirely. The optimal question is: are you, are we Kingdom-bound and Banquet-ready? This book will analysis who will attend, and who will not. It is an exhaustive account of this great event. A must read if you plan to be there!

The Banquet was the winner of the “Word Guild Best New Manuscript Award” for 2017.

About the Author
Ron Mahler possesses experience in church planting, is a seasoned pastor, a former Bible college teacher, as well as an award-winning author. He is a committed follower of Jesus Christ and has ministered in various churches throughout Ontario.

A graduate of Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, Mahler has authored three other books: My Fanatical, Regrettable Tour of Ministry, The Necessary Christian, and Radical Apprentices (which won best non-fiction manuscript in the Word Alive Press 2015 contest). Currently, he serves as a chaplain, produces a weekly podcast with Hope Stream Radio, and balances writing with a busy itinerant speaking schedule.

The Banquet: Exploring the Greatest Invitation Extended to Humanity is available at most bookstores through Parasource Marketing & Distribution Canada
or Castle Quay Books web site. www.castlequaybooks.com

ISBN 978-1-988928-03-6 soft cover
E-book ISBN 978-1-988928-04-3
$16.95 in Canada
128 pages, size 6″ x 9″

Distributed by Parasource Marketing & Distribution Canada
Phone: 1-800-263-2664 custserv@parasource.com
For more information visit www.parasource.com or www.castlequaybooks.com

For more information, author interviews or book reviews:
Larry N Willard – publisher Castle Quay Books Canada